Weight Loss Program

Call 360-482-5300 or email olympicvalleyclinic@gmail.com to Schedule

Tired of being told to just diet and exercise more? Obesity is a chronic disease. It's time we start treating it like one. Anti-obesity medications are evidenced-based tools that facilitate weight loss, which can improve health and quality of life. Anti-Obesity medications are not a crutch, a band aid, the easy way out, or the last resort.

Ashley Taylor, MSN, ARNP, FNP-C

Hi! My name is Ashley Taylor and I am a Family Nurse Practitioner in the Western Washington region. Like you, I have struggled with weight loss. As a kid, and even as a young adult, I was physically fit. However, after delivering my first child, I quickly put on the pounds, and they just never really came off. After my second child, I was at my heaviest. It seemed like no matter what I ate or how much I exercised, I just could not lose the weight. Because of this, I started to really focus on the science of obesity and weight loss. Turns out, obesity is quickly becoming a pandemic of its own. Thankfully, there are several medications that are now FDA-approved for weight loss. Have you been told that being “fat” or overweight is a personal choice, and if you really wanted to, and maybe just had a little more discipline or motivation, you could lose the weight? Well I am here to tell you there is more to the story. That is why I am now offering my clinical knowledge regarding obesity to you! Let's talk about your weight loss journey. We can go over the current anti-obesity medications for weight loss and see if there is one that would work for you. I look forward to working with you!


March 2023

200 lbs - Diet and Exercise

August 2023

150 lbs - Using Tirzepatide/B12 2.5mg once weekly

30 Minute Initial Telehealth Visits $150 (Phone or in-person, your choice) Follow Up Visits $100

(Medications not included in price. You can use your insurance for medications or pay privately for them through pharmacy)